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ASA101/103/104 Combination Class- Live Aboard Program on 39 foot sailboat. Sleep on Board all Nights. Breakfasts and Lunches included. 15% off for taking three classes.


Class Dates:

May 3-9, May 10-16, May 17-23, May 24-30

May 31-June 6, June 7-13, June 14-20, June 21-27    

July 5-11, July 12-18, July 19-25, July 26-August 1

August 2-8, August 9-15, August 16-22, August 23-29   

August 30-Sept. 5, Sept. 6-12, Sept. 13-19, Sept. 20-26

Sept. 27-October 3, October 4-10, October 11-17

Please select a class date you want and then contact to confirm availability.  Once we confirm availability you can sign up and pay with a credit card.

Class Description:

ASA101/103/104 Combination.  Seven day, all on the water, live aboard program. Includes everything listed in the individual descriptions for ASA101 Basic Keelboat Sailing, ASA103 Basic Coastal Cruising, and ASA104 Bareboat Cruising.

Pricing includes 20% discount for taking all three classes and an additional 10% off for couples. Class size: 3-4 typically with maximum of five students allowed. Prerequisites: None. Sign up for all three classes and become a competent sailor and be able to captain a sailboats. Take all three classes in a week or split them up over the entire summer. 

Single or Couple

Couple, Single

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