ASA105 Coastal Navigation & Piloting: Home Study. Learn the navigational skills required to safely navigate a sailing vessel in coastal or inland waters.
Includes chart symbols, publications, chart scaling, navigation rules, tide and current tables, List of lights, converting courses between true, magnetic, and compass, hand bearing compass, navigation tools, compass deviation, plotting a dead reckoning course using speed, time, and course to steer, understanding current and leeway and its effect on your estimated position, determining what course to steer taking into account current and leeway, two bearing fix, three bearing fix, estimated position, running fix, danger bearing, characteristics of lighted navigation aids, understanding the buoyage system, and more.
Prerequisites: None.
Price includes the following:
Coastal Navigation and Piloting Textbook by Tom Tursi, Solutions Workbook. ASA105 Textbook/Workbook Picture
2 Practice charts
Weems & Plath 176 Dividers Weems and Plath Divider Picture
Weems & Plath 141 Parallel Rules Parallel Rules Picture
ASA105 Test
ASA105 Test Correction and Instructions
ASA105 Certification
ASA105 Coastal Navigation Confirmation and instructions.
All our home studies include telephone and email support. If you get stuck we will help you.
The test is included with the course materials and the student returns it to us when completed for grading.
Tom Tursi ASA105 Coastal Navigation and Piloting Textbook and Tom Tursi ASA105 Solutions Workbook, Practice Charts, Parallel Rules, and Dividers are delivered for free in the Continental US via US mail.
The ASA105 Test, Test Corrections and Instructions, Workbook Practice Chart, and ASA105 Coastal Navigation Confirmation and Instructions are included in the confirmation email sent immediately sent to the purchaser after ordering. All documents are in PDF format.