
Private Sailing Class on Customer Sailboat with or without ASA Certification


Private Sailing Classes with or without ASA Certification are available on a customer owned sailboat and are of interest to students who want to hire a competent captain to help improve their sailing and seamanship skills. Class content is determined based on communication between students and Delmarva Sailing School personnel. Typical examples are new sailboat owners or those about to charter a sailboat but feel like they first need to improve some of their skills.

Please contact Captain Mike Brown at Captainmike@delmarvasailingschool.com or call 215-499-0335 to discuss your objectives and schedule a Private Sailing Class on our or your sailboat to accomplish your goal of becoming a competent sailboat captain.

Travel costs included if student sailboat is no more than 25 miles from Rock Hall, MD. 

ASA Course Materials and Certifications included at no additional charge for 2-5 students if customer desires ASA Certification.  

All sailboat and slip fees are the responsibility of the boat owner.

For multiday sailing classes, unless other arrangements are made, captain sleeps on student sailboat and eats on board food at no cost to captain.  All boat expenses are to sailboat owner.  One full day minimum required.

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